5 letter words starting with L is a collection of words that can be used in various word games and puzzles. These words can be used in crossword puzzles, word jumbles, and other word games to challenge your vocabulary skills. They can also be used in educational settings to help students learn new words and expand their vocabulary. With over 583 words to choose from, this collection is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their word skills or simply have fun with words. So whether you’re a crossword enthusiast or just looking for a fun way to learn new words, 5 letter words starting with L is the perfect resource for you.
List of 583 words
laari | labda | label | labia | labis | labor | labra | laced | lacer | laces | lacet |
lacey | lacks | laddy | laded | laden | lader | lades | ladle | laers | laevo | lagan |
lager | lahal | lahar | laich | laics | laids | laigh | laika | laiks | laird | lairs |
lager | lahal | lahar | laich | laics | laids | laigh | laika | laiks | laird | lairs |
lairy | laith | laity | laked | laker | lakes | lakhs | lakin | laksa | laldy | lalls |
lamas | lambs | lamby | lamed | lamer | lames | lamia | lammy | lamps | lanai | lanas |
lance | lanch | lande | lands | lanes | lanks | lanky | lants | lapel | lapin | lapis |
lapje | lapse | larch | lards | lardy | laree | lares | large | largo | laris | larks |
larky | larns | larnt | larum | larva | lased | laser | lases | lassi | lasso | lassu |
lassy | lasts | latah | latch | lated | laten | later | latex | lathe | lathi | laths |
lathy | latke | latte | latus | lauan | lauch | lauds | laufs | laugh | laund | laura |
laval | lavas | laved | laver | laves | lavra | lavvy | lawed | lawer | lawin | lawks |
lawns | lawny | laxed | laxer | laxes | laxly | layed | layer | layin | layup | lazar |
lazed | lazes | lazos | lazzi | lazzo | leach | leads | leady | leafs | leafy | leaks |
leaky | leams | leans | leant | leany | leaps | leapt | leare | learn | lears | leary |
lease | leash | least | leats | leave | leavy | leaze | leben | leccy | ledes | ledge |
ledgy | ledum | leear | leech | leeks | leeps | leers | leery | leese | leets | leeze |
lefte | lefts | lefty | legal | leger | leges | legge | leggo | leggy | legit | lehrs |
lehua | leirs | leish | leman | lemed | lemel | lemes | lemma | lemme | lemon | lemur |
lends | lenes | lengs | lenis | lenos | lense | lenti | lento | leone | leper | lepid |
lepra | lepta | lered | leres | lerps | leses | lests | letch | lethe | letup | leuch |
leuco | leuds | leugh | levas | levee | level | lever | leves | levin | levis | lewis |
lexes | lexis | lezes | lezza | lezzy | liana | liane | liang | liard | liars | liart |
libel | liber | libra | libri | lichi | licht | licit | licks | lidar | lidos | liefs |
liege | liens | liers | lieus | lieve | lifer | lifes | lifts | ligan | liger | ligge |
light | ligne | liked | liken | liker | likes | likin | lilac | lills | lilos | lilts |
liman | limas | limax | limba | limbi | limbo | limbs | limby | limed | limen | limes |
limit | limma | limns | limos | limpa | limps | linac | linch | linds | lindy | lined |
linen | liner | lines | liney | linga | lingo | lings | lingy | linin | links | linky |
linns | linny | linos | lints | linty | linum | linux | lions | lipas | lipes | lipid |
lipin | lipos | lippy | liras | lirks | lirot | lisks | lisle | lisps | lists | litai |
litas | lited | liter | lites | lithe | litho | liths | litre | lived | liven | liver |
lives | livid | livor | livre | llama | llano | loach | loads | loafs | loams | loamy |
loans | loast | loath | loave | lobar | lobby | lobed | lobes | lobos | lobus | local |
loche | lochs | locie | locis | locks | locos | locum | locus | loden | lodes | lodge |
loess | lofts | lofty | logan | loges | loggy | logia | logic | logie | login | logoi |
logon | logos | lohan | loids | loins | loipe | loirs | lokes | lolls | lolly | lolog |
lomas | lomed | lomes | loner | longa | longe | longs | looby | looed | looey | loofa |
loofs | looie | looks | looky | looms | loons | loony | loops | loopy | loord | loose |
loots | loped | loper | lopes | loppy | loral | loran | lords | lordy | lorel | lores |
loric | loris | lorry | losed | losel | losen | loser | loses | lossy | lotah | lotas |
lotes | lotic | lotos | lotsa | lotta | lotte | lotto | lotus | loued | lough | louie |
louis | louma | lound | louns | loupe | loups | loure | lours | loury | louse | lousy |
louts | lovat | loved | lover | loves | lovey | lovie | lowan | lowed | lower | lowes |
lowly | lownd | lowne | lowns | lowps | lowry | lowse | lowts | loxed | loxes | loyal |
lozen | luach | luaus | lubed | lubes | lubra | luces | lucid | lucks | lucky | lucre |
ludes | ludic | ludos | luffa | luffs | luged | luger | luges | lulls | lulus | lumas |
lumbi | lumen | lumme | lummy | lumps | lumpy | lunar | lunas | lunch | lunes | lunet |
lunge | lungi | lungs | lunks | lunts | lupin | lupus | lurch | lured | lurer | lures |
lurex | lurgi | lurgy | lurid | lurks | lurry | lurve | luser | lushy | lusks | lusts |
lusty | lusus | lutea | luted | luter | lutes | luvvy | luxed | luxer | luxes | lweis |
lyams | lyard | lyart | lyase | lycea | lycee | lycra | lying | lymes | lymph | lynch |
lynes | lyres | lyric | lysed | lyses | lysin | lysis | lysol | lyssa | lyted | lytes |
The Most Common 5 Letter Words that Start with L
There are many 5 letter words that start with L that are commonly used in the English language. Some of the most popular ones include “large,” which means big or spacious, “light,” which refers to something that is not heavy or dark, and “learn,” which means to acquire knowledge or skills.
Other common 5 letter words that start with L include “lucky,” which means fortunate or having good luck, “loved,” which refers to being cherished or adored, and “laugh,” which means to express amusement or joy through sound.
In addition, there are many other five letter words that start with L that are frequently used in everyday conversation and writing, such as “labor,” “laser,” “logic,” “level,” and “local.”
Overall, these common five letter words that start with L are essential components of the English language and are used regularly by people all over the world.
Seven Famous 5-Letter Word Starting with L
1. Loyal – showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
2. Logic – reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
3. Light – the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
4. Laugh – make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of derision.
5. Learn – gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
6. Large – of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity.
7. Love – an intense feeling of deep affection.
These seven 5 letter word starting with L are some of the most famous and commonly used words in the English language. From loyalty to love, they represent a range of emotions and concepts that are essential to human experience. Logic and learning are important for intellectual growth, while laughter and light bring joy and brightness to life. And of course, who can forget the importance of being large, whether it’s in size or in heart? These words are a reminder of the power of language to express our thoughts and feelings, and to connect us with others.
How to Use 5 Letter Word Starts with L in Crosswords
Crosswords are a great way to exercise your brain and improve your vocabulary. If you’re stuck on a crossword puzzle and need some help, try using 5 letter word starts with L. These words can be a lifesaver when you’re struggling to fill in the blanks.
Some common 5-letter word starts with L include “laser,” “lemon,” “lucky,” and “logic.” These words can be used in a variety of ways, such as filling in a missing letter or completing a word that you’re unsure of.
To use 5-letter words start with L in crosswords, start by looking at the clues and trying to determine what word fits. Then, think about words that start with L that could fit the clue. If you’re still unsure, try using a crossword solver or dictionary to help you find the right word.
Overall, using 5 letter words start with L in crosswords can be a great way to improve your puzzle-solving skills and expand your vocabulary. So next time you’re stuck on a crossword puzzle, give it a try!
Using 5 Letter Words with L in Games
Incorporating five letter words starting with L in games can add an extra level of challenge and excitement. In word games like Scrabble or Boggle, players can strategically use L-words like “laser” or “logic” to score higher points. In guessing games like charades or Pictionary, players can use L-words like “lunge” or “lemon” to act out or draw clues. In role-playing games, players can use L-words like “lance” or “lighter” to name their weapons or tools. Overall, incorporating five-letter words starting with L can enhance the gameplay experience and make it more engaging for all players.
five letter word starting with L are diverse and include common words like “large” and “light” as well as less common words like “lolly” and “lunar”. These words can be used in a variety of contexts and are important for building vocabulary and communication skills.
What are some common five letter word starting with L?
– Some common 5 letter words with L include “lunch”, “large”, “lemon”, “light”, and “lucky”.
Are there any 5 letter words beginning with L that have a negative connotation?
– Yes, “lousy” is a 5-letter word beginning with L that has a negative connotation.
Can 5 letter words starting with L be used in Scrabble?
– Yes, there are many five-letter word that starts with L that can be used in Scrabble, such as “lunar”, “labor”, and “laser”.
Are there any five-letter word that starts with L that are commonly misspelled?
– “Llama” is a five letter word that starts with L that is commonly misspelled as “llamma”.
What is the longest 5 letter word with L?
– The longest 5-letter word starts with L is “lolly”, which means a piece of candy or a sweet.