pet simulator x

Pet Simulator X: Exploring Cosmic Values, Features, and Gameplay

Understanding Cosmic Values

Pet Simulator X, a popular virtual pet collecting game, introduced the “Cosmic Values” feature. This feature allows players to trade in specific in-game pets for “Cosmic Values,” a virtual currency used to acquire exclusive pets, boosts, and other in-game rewards.

Accessing Cosmic Values

Players typically access Cosmic Values by finding and interacting with the “Cosmic Caravan” or the “Cosmic Dealer” in-game locations. These NPCs provide options to trade eligible pets for varying amounts of Cosmic Values depending on the pet’s rarity and level.

Cosmic Values List and Rarity

The specific “Cosmic Values” assigned to each pet can vary depending on game updates and balancing changes. However, the general principle is:

  • Common pets: Offer the lowest amount of Cosmic Values.
  • Uncommon pets: Offer a moderate amount of Cosmic Values.
  • Rare pets: Offer a significant amount of Cosmic Values.
  • Epic pets: Offer the highest amount of Cosmic Values.

Merits and Potential Concerns

The “Cosmic Values” feature offers:

  • Diversification of in-game economy: Provides an alternative way to obtain valuable items without relying solely on pet hatching or trading.
  • Strategic pet management: Encourages players to evaluate their pet collection and make strategic decisions regarding which pets to trade for Cosmic Values.

However, it’s important to acknowledge potential concerns:

  • Encourages pet trading: Can lead to an increased focus on trading over gameplay, potentially detracting from the core experience.
  • Possibility of imbalances: The system might favor specific pets, potentially creating an unfair advantage for players who acquire those pets.
  • Ethical considerations: Manipulating game mechanics through excessive trading or exploiting loopholes to gain an unfair advantage is unethical and can violate game terms of service.


While the “Cosmic Values” feature in Pet Simulator X adds a new layer of strategy and potentially diversifies the in-game economy, it is crucial to approach it cautiously. Remember to prioritize responsible and ethical gameplay within the intended mechanics of the game, avoiding actions that might violate game rules or exploit the system for unfair advantages.


Where can I find a reliable list of current Cosmic Values for each pet?

In-game resources or community forums might offer unofficial lists, but keep in mind these can fluctuate and might not be entirely accurate.

What are some ethical ways to acquire Cosmic Values?

Play the game as intended, participate in in-game events, and trade within the established mechanics without attempting to exploit loopholes or manipulate the system.

What happens if I get caught violating game rules related to Cosmic Values?

Consequences can vary but might include account warnings, suspensions, or even bans depending on the severity of the offense. Always remember to respect the game’s terms of service and maintain ethical gameplay practices.

Disclaimer: It is crucial to reiterate that engaging in activities that exploit in-game mechanics or attempt to manipulate virtual economies can violate game terms of service and potentially lead to account suspensions or bans. This article aims to provide an objective overview of Pet Simulator X’s “Cosmic Values” feature, its functionalities, and associated aspects, but does not endorse or encourage any actions that might violate game rules or promote unfair advantages. Always prioritize responsible and ethical gameplay within the intended mechanics of the game.